• Preparation:

    • Review construction drawings and specifications.
    • Gather necessary tools and materials, including cable trays, supports, fasteners, grounding wires, etc.
  • Positioning and Measurement:

    • Determine the installation locations of cable trays based on design requirements and site conditions.
    • Use measuring tools such as rangefinders and spirit levels for accurate measurements.
  • Support Installation:

    • Install supports on ceilings or walls according to construction drawings and measurement results.
    • Ensure the spacing and placement of supports comply with safety and design requirements.
  • Cable Tray Installation:

    • Install cable tray sections segment by segment on supports, ensuring secure and level connections.
    • Verify that connectors and grounding connections of cable trays meet safety standards.
  • Connecting and Securing Cable Trays:

    • Ensure complete and secure connections between cable tray sections using appropriate connectors.
    • Secure cable trays with fasteners to prevent displacement or loosening due to vibration or other factors.
  • Inspection and Testing:

    • Inspect all installed cable trays and fasteners to ensure compliance with design and safety requirements.
    • Perform necessary electrical and connectivity tests to ensure proper installation without faults.
  • Completion and Cleanup:

    • Upon completion of installation and testing, clean up the construction site by removing excess materials and tools.
    • Conduct final inspection of the project to verify all steps and safety requirements have been met.